Tuesday 10 February 2015

50 Shades of Wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So many people are writing bad stories about things that are not right and making it seem okay. It started with twilight and letting everyone in the world think it is okay to have someone you should change yourself completely for. While change is a good thing becoming a whole new human being to impress someone else is not. This author does pretty much the same thing but makes it worse by removing the main characters human worth and freedom. No one should have that taken from them and no it is not OK. As an author I cant condone wrapping crap in a pretty box and shoving it down peoples throats with a bow. We all make the choice to accept garbage but we don't have too. It would be nice if society could break from the faceless meandering and have a mind of its own again. I would beg of people to not waste their money or time on this and to not let our kids get swept up as mindless followers. I for one will be spending my valentines day experiencing true love. I hope everyone else takes some time out of their day for the real thing and not some terrible fantasy.

Happy Valentines  Day.

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