Friday 14 June 2013

Check this out!

Hi there you guys I just wanted to drop in and say hello. Also just wanted to let people know of an opportunity to grab my book Scarlett Essence free this week from today until the 17th

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Scarlett Essence Give Away

Hi guys, Scarlett Essence will be giving away a 25 dollar gift card for and a 15 dollar itunes gift card for free in two random draws that will take place on July 13th- 18th and July 25th- 31st .  In order to be eligible for the draw you must leave a review on Scarlett Essence on amazon. It does not matter to me what kind of a review but a review needs to be left. We will be taking all names that do leave a review and the lucky winners will be notified by email for their address or some way to get the cards to them. Please keep in mind the book will be available for free from June 14th thru the 16th and the give aways last date to leave a review by is by July 12th. All winners will be notified by August 10th 2013.