Hi to to the 7.075 billion people who may or may not see this post. Now if I had that kind of reach or could even get that kind of reach on the internet this would be a very interesting post. However I am a realistic person by most aspects and have come to a sensibility that making one or more peoples day will have to be enough. So although my grammar sucks and I don't try to make it better for a silly blog though I am sure someday I will take the time to do so now is not the time when I have two sleeping babies that could wake up at any moment.
This is a blog I hope can represent me, and my likings. While though they may be mundane I hope they are spectacularly so. As anyone who comes across this page I hope will be able to relate to most things on my blog. If that is how it turns out to be as nature would let it, then that is what would make my mundane and thus everyone elses mundane just a little more well "spectacular".
So to be boring and regular here is short introduction for all the others out here on this infinite spiderweb f peoples.
I am a 22 almost 23yr old, single mom of two kids who works as well... a mom... Many would say this is among many other things normal. I would agree to all accusations and raise them one very standard generic one. One that hit me like a two ton brick when I was about to have my second baby last week.Now it should have hit me with the first one but I assume whoever had the first brick had bad aim and must have missed, because the person with the brick this time got me good. Here is my revelation like so many others it is stereotypical and well just a bit silly but with a 2yr old and a 4 day old it hit me nonetheless.
Being a mother is hard.... not as hard as natural labor which though amazing and a beautiful thing is very hard as I have come to learn first hand. ( I would like to point this out it was not by choice I woulda taken all the drugs in the world if they had let me but alas I was too far gone. Can I just say ouch. Cudus and a huge plus for any lady who has ever done so by choice or ever did so back before we had the amenities we do now. I applaud you guys immensely and also say WHAT WERE YOU THINKING???) Anyways, I would rather not have to do that one again. Motherhood is hard, between the 12 plus diapers I am changing a day, getting pooped on and the massive amount of laundry i am doing just to stay sane. The beauty of sitting down and reading a book or listening to your kids talk or just holding your newborn baby makes all the pain suffering and work that drains your very soul worth it all.
So as I sit here contemplating how I would like to spend my 30 seconds of rash freedom as the girls sleep away. I have posted this bit of nonsense for the reading world out there in hopes to make someone's regular day better if they so happen upon this post. I hope reading it will change absolutely nothing at all except maybe give someone a half smile, and a slight chuckle as they realise there are still idiots out there who post their randoms for other randoms to enjoy. If we could all do that there would be 7 billion rather mundane happy people out there I think. (Except for the british my grandma says they are always bitter and it has to be their tea.)
P.S.The british thing was a joke, I rather like their sexy accents and their dispositions but you cant help old ladies and their dispositions no matter what they are. Besides old ladies are wonderfully spectacular and not mundane at all. I should know I have one of the best ones out there. If she had a blog I'm sure it would be a hit! So anyways here is a Happy Easter shout out and a picture to entertain and Mundane Girl saying keep it Mundane.
Happy Easter Guys.
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